5 Essential Ways To Build Growth Mindset In Kids

A Growth Mindset is a belief that anyone can change their mindset. Children who have a Growth Mindset always aim for success and growth in their life. They do not fear anything.

A growth Mindset is a notion that one's intelligence can be improved or grown via tenacity, effort, and a focus on learning. Children with a growth mindset think that if they work hard and accept setbacks and challenges as opportunities to learn. They love to learn and explore new things. Children with such a mindset are always open to both positive and negative feedback.

Kids with a Growth Mindset become high achievers in their life. Instead of feeling threatened by others' achievements, they find joy and inspiration in them, expecting to learn new skills and ideas from them. A kid with a growth mindset takes on more difficulties and is motivated by learning, which leads to becoming smarter and achieving higher goals. Hence, it is vital to develop a growth mindset in your kids. How can you do that? Well, check out some tips below:-

Also Read: 10 Ways To Teach Kids Failure Is A Good Thing | BaaBee TV Blog

5 Ways to Develop Growth Mindset In Kids

  1. Tell Them About Your Struggles

You can develop your Kids Growth Mindset by telling them about your struggles. Let them know that you didn't achieve anything without making any efforts. Show them that you also made mistakes in your past. Tell your kids that success was not a cakewalk for you. Children will be more able to do the same if they see and hear us work through our failures, using them as a springboard for progress.

  1. Appreciate Them For Their Efforts 

Always praise them. If you are observing their efforts to achieve something, then you should acknowledge them. Your kids should be applauded for their efforts and taught to accept responsibility for their mistakes. This way, they learn to accept failure as a necessary part of learning and become more willing to take risks. This boosts their self-esteem, confidence, and resilience.

  1. Teach Them To Learn From Mistakes

Assist your child in seeing mistakes as opportunities to learn and grow. Encourage inquisitiveness regarding failures or blunders - "Why didn't it work this time?" What can you do differently the next time to avoid a setback?" Make an effort to utilize language that normalizes difficulties and setbacks.

  1. Don’t Give Up Easily

The goal of a growth mindset is to not give up without making efforts. You should instill a “not giving up” attitude in your children. You should make them learn that everything has a cost and they have to work hard for a good life. Children should try, try and try until they make it to the last step of success.  

  1. Always Encourage Them To Think Big

Encourage your kids to think big and set high standards. Teach them to not settle for things that come easily in their life. Motivate them to tighten their belt and be ready for the challenges that come across their path of success. Make them ready to ride a roller coaster ride. Encourage them to dream big and achieve something in life!

Read Also: How to improve critical thinking skills in kids in 2021? Ways, Tips, And Strategies!


BaaBee TV offers various activities and courses which help your kids develop their Growth Mindset. Your children can expand their abilities and can learn new things like Rubik’s Cube, Chess, French and German languages. Go and Check the Courses offered by BaaBee TV!



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