4 Activities For Kids To Teach Idioms

 Idioms are phrases that have a meaning that is very different from their parts. Unlike most sentences that have a literal meaning, idioms have figurative meaning. A literal meaning is when each word in a sentence stays true to its actual meaning. A figurative meaning is when a combination of words means something different than the individual words do.

The thing about idioms is that they are figurative. Take the common idiom ''you let the cat out of the bag.'' If you take the literal parts and add them up, you would assume that it meant that a person was opening up a bag and letting a cat out of it. But that isn't even remotely close to what it means. The idiom doesn't even have anything to do with a cat or even a bag. Letting the cat out of the bag means revealing a secret. The hard part of idioms is that you need to know what the phrase means to begin with. There's no way to use the literal parts to find the meaning.

Idioms are super fun to read, but they’re even more amusing to use. They liven up your kid's writing skills and give it a better personal voice. Try some fun games and activities to teach all the outstanding idioms for your kids to learn and practice!

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4 Fun Activities To Teach Kids Idioms At Home

1. Idiom Challenge 

The idiom challenge is a great activity to do as you introduce a topic. Here, children can work to identify the meaning of a variety of familiar idioms. It is amusing to let kids have fun by attempting to match the meaning of idioms they may have learned before or even used.

Also, you can use this activity as a game and set a time limit for kids to match as many idioms as they can. Then, challenge your kids to try to use the idiom eventually during the day in their speaking or writing. 

2. Idiom Hunt

After the kids are introduced to the concept of idioms, try some practice recognizing them and their meanings.

Challenge kids to keep a journal of additional idioms that they have learned or used. They can also look for idioms in stories they are reading or listen for them in discussions with family and friends. This game will certainly help kids to recognize how idioms are used in real life.

If kids can’t think of more idioms on their own, prompt them to use the Internet. The objective here is to teach kids more idioms and their actual meaning.

3. Picturing Idioms

What makes idioms so fun and funny is that we are inclined to imagine the literal meaning of the idioms. This is one super activity your kids will love and it is an incredible way to glue your kid's imagination to idioms.

So, induct the visualization of idioms with a Pictionary-style game. Of course, games are a great way to immerse kids in the learning process. As kids start to learn to imagine the literal words, they achieve a better awareness of what makes symbolic language a helpful tool in their reading and writing.

4. Idiom Mini-Book

Working with idioms and learning to know their meanings is a significant part of understanding how to use idioms. In this activity, you can prompt your kids to create an idiom mini-book that will have them develop their very own collection of idioms.

Also Read: 9 Reasons Why You Should Enroll Your Kids In Online Extra-Curricular Activities


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