Follow 5 Tips To Control Social Anxiety In Kids

Social anxiety disorder isn’t just the fear of making or interacting with friends. It is characterized by an intense fear of social situations where your kid might fear being judged or scrutinized by others.

Children with social anxiety disorder experience intense feelings of tension about several different triggers like speaking before others, reading aloud, fear of being evaluated by others, fear of offending others, fear of embarrassment, and fear of conversing with strangers. Social anxiety disorder can cause significant distress for kids and harm their academic performance, social relationships, self-confidence, and other vital areas of functioning.

Parents can help children with social anxiety disorder in numerous ways. These tips will help to improve Communication skills of kids. Read on to find out more!

5 Tips On How To Overcome Social Anxiety In Kids 

Breathing Exercises

Physical symptoms of social anxiety such as increased heart rate, dizziness, and muscle tension can be reduced with breathing exercises. Breathing slower and more deeply from the stomach signals the nervous system to calm down.

You can teach your kid different breathing patterns which may help in calming down their anxiety. These patterns physically provide a calmness to the body and soul.

Teaching Problem-solving Skills

Kids with social anxiety tend to become masters of avoidance and denial. They try to avoid engaging in situations that cause them the most anxiety.

You can teach your child to work through feelings and emotions of fear and anxiety by developing problem-solving skills. Help them identify their triggers and problems and try brainstorming potential problem-solving strategies to work through those triggers.

Communicating With Them

You may also converse with your child about social anxiety and help them understand that feeling anxious is normal. Instead of feeding the fearful behaviors, it can be more helpful when parents praise their kids for trying something new. You can also tell your child about the times you felt anxious in social situations and how you overcame those fears. This will help them understand that it’s absolutely ‘OK’ to talk about anxious feelings.

Start Small

You may try not to jump into big social situations directly. Try scheduling restaurant meals with friends or family so your kid can get used to eating in public. If someone starts a conversation with them, ask them to put up questions to the other person about their hobbies or favorite places to travel.

Seek Professional Help

You need not shy away from seeking consultation from a licensed mental health professional. Social anxiety can be easily tackled with on-demand consultation and guidance. Kids can learn to cope with their symptoms and implement strategies that work across a wide variety of professional settings. Also, you can help your child with Anxiety books.


Give your child a better perspective to look at life, reduce stress, and live happily. What are you waiting for? Enroll them today in hobby classes at Home | BaaBee TV!


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