5 Best Calming Activities for Hyperactive Kids

 Is your child hyperactive? Maybe your answer is yes, and you feel proud of your kid because they are so active in their lives. But before you form an opinion about this quality of your kid, let’s try to understand it better.

Your hyperactive kid may have problems while paying attention and sitting still in their seats. Additionally, they can be impulsive, which means doing anything without thinking about the results.

These traits don't look desirable, do they? A hyperactive kid is not ‘bad' per se. They just need a little more attention and patience to channelize their energy and thought processes.

So, do you want to help your kid pay attention, focus better, and be less hyper? Wondering how to do that? Well, this blog has got you covered!

Also Read: Holistic Development of Children: Towards A New Approach Of Learning

5 Best Calming Activities for Hyperactive Kids

  1. Music To Calm The Mind

Studies and surveys have revealed that calming music can deliver stress relief for both children and grown-ups. 

It delivers a pattern that is calming and can motivate the brains of superactive kids for stronger focus. Yes, it might be time to incorporate some music in your daily life, as well as your kid’s. It could deliver just a life-changing miracle for you!

  1. Outdoor Sports

Any kind of outdoor sport is a considerable means to build social skills. A suitably selected sport will also lend a lot of physical workouts. So, choose sports for kids with hyperactivity like soccer or basketball that keep all the players immersed throughout the play.

  1. Board Games

Board games will prepare your kid to take turns and are adequate for quicker attention spans. Also, simple and easy picture puzzles are great calming activities for kids with hyperactivity.

So, if you find your kid enjoying it, you can teach Board games that require lengthier attention spans. Board games are a simple way to improve mental ability and thinking skills in kids. 

  1. Swimming

Swimming is one of the favorable outdoor calming activities for hyperactive kids. It is an incredible exercise and a great means to spend some pleasant moments with your children.

In addition, it is also a great way to decrease the high energy level of hyperactive kids while enhancing self-esteem and concentration as well. It will be a great benefit for your kid to enroll them in swimming lessons and also make sure they enjoy swimming.  

  1. Arts and Crafts

Arts and crafts projects are great calming activities to calm your child. Teaching kids to work on their intentions and turn creative ideas into something concrete can be helpful and exciting for them. Whether they like painting, model building, woodworking, or sewing, holding an idea and watching it through to completion can be incredibly encouraging for any kid but especially for a child with hyperactivity.

Also Read: 7 Mindfulness Exercises And Activities For Kids To Practice At Home


All kids are extraordinary, and it’s these differences that make them unique. As responsible parents, our goal is to encourage these unique traits and empower our kids to achieve all the things they put their minds and souls to.

To help them flourish, we normally emphasize their positives while downplaying the opposites. Hyperactivities are also part of the kid's behavior and, if governed, can also allow them to prosper and thrive.

At BaaBee TV, we take absolute care of your kid’s wishes and facilitate the development of young minds. Explore our courses here!


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