Looking For Positive & Effective Parenting Skills - Here Are The 7 Tips!

Being a parent is one of the most beautiful experiences of life. It comes with a plenty of love, excitement, affection, care, etc. But sometimes, it may also pose to be very challenging and tiring. It mainly happens when your kid is a bit stubborn or adamant. So what should you do then?

Positive parenting is the answer to this question. It involves parents being kind but firm and respectful towards their children while raising them. When their kid commits a mistake, positive parents don't resort to threats or abuse. Instead, they love and hear their children while teaching them acceptable behavior. Read on to find out more about positive parenting!

7 Best Positive Parenting Skills

After understanding positive parenting, now you must be wondering about the methods you can employ to practice this concept.

Do you know, a guide to parenting can really help you? But in the article, here are some tips:-

  • The top positive parenting skill is practicing VES, i.e., validate, empathize, and sympathize. You may try asking the reasons behind your kid's bad behavior. You may then listen to their reasons and make them feel you understand them. You can also consider validating their feelings and wants. 

  • You may try to be open and communicative with your kids throughout the day. It will help them plan, predict, understand why things occur, and process the world around them. You can also consider conveying your expectations regarding their actions and behavior to them.

  • Setting rules and limits for your kids helps them understand acceptable behavior, expectations and develop self-control. Discipline is needed to help kids practice acceptable behaviors and learn self-control. 

  • You can also try out making them feel confident in themselves and not worthless. You can practice things like- choosing your words and actions wisely, being compassionate, praising your kids' accomplishments, good behaviors, and letting them do things independently.

  • Focusing on your kid's strengths and goals instead of their weaknesses can also be a good idea. You can also try encouraging your child to gain confidence to achieve and acquire new talents.

  • It is pertinent for parents to model what they expect their children to do. You should try to be a good role model for your kids to learn about good and bad behavior. You can also try exhibiting the traits and behavior that you wish and expect to see in your kids. 

  • You can also try out spending constant quality time with your kids. Try having fixed times and plans to do like a weekend activity plan, at the dinner table, breakfast with your kids, walk or exercise time, special night every week, and so on. 


We all know parenting is tough and we can’t always be perfect. But these seven skills will help you as a parent to do the best job possible, even when things get tough.  

Make sure your child knows how much they are loved by reading about their feelings with them or taking care of their needs before yours. Also, teach them effective coping strategies for difficult times so that they don't resort to yelling at themselves in frustration and remind yourself not to fall into this trap either! 

Parenting doesn't need to be hard- just use some of these positive parenting skills every once in a while, and it'll become easier on both sides. Which of these 7 Positive Parenting Skills have you used?

Also, if you want to know more about parenting, check out BaaBee TV blog


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